Dreams with Clarity,

A brand, is a dream with clarity and direction

Today a friend and fellow entrepreneur, Baked True North, shared an instagram quote:

“Your dreams don’t have to make sense to anyone else”.

Rachel Hollis
Author – Girl Wash Your Face

Its a realization that all entrepreneurs and small business owners come to, and it’s the crux or the point where we embark on our solo journey. Eventually, we’ll pull other people in along the way, but the start can often be lonely. People don’t yet understand our dreams and they don’t make sense to them. Honestly, how can they? You haven’t yet shared what you see in your dreams. They don’t see you planning and plotting your course. All they hear is a wistful thought that you had the courage and audacity to utter.

Dreams with clarity make a brand. A brand with direction, makes a business.

Maggie Schott
CEO McKeating Solutions

A dreamer is simply an entrepreneur waiting to happen. It’s a leap of faith, a confident jump from the known into the unknown.

My job when I work with entrepreneurs, startup founders, and small business owners is to see their dream, help formulate it and bring it into focus so that we can see it with clarity. And then together, we add direction to shape and form the business. We work together to create the words that will enable others to see your dream clearly and understand it for themselves.

Your brand, is your dream, your unique vision of the products/services you will offer to your customers and how they’ll impact the lives of those customers. Your brand is like no other. There will be similarities and parallels yes, but every brand has something unique. As an entrepreneur it’s often you!

Take me for example. I might not look like a unicorn. But I’m as rare as one. There are many content marketers, brand experts, copy writers, SEO specialists out there. But there are none like me. I have a different background, honed my skills differently and acquired unique insights along the way. The way I treat my clients differs drastically. These are all aspects of my brand, because they’re aspects of who I am.

I’m not the first to write this post – I’m probably not the first to say the words I put in a quote above. Rachel Hollis isn’t the first to speak those words. But each of us is the first to speak them to you in this context, and in this way.

Do your dreams have clarity?

If they don’t, it’s time to roll up our sleeves and get to work. Let’s sit down together, talk through your idea, your business, your offering and you! You are what makes your business unique.

Once we get there, we can start to put this all down on paper, in a way that other people (namely your customers) can understand.

Does your brand have direction?

Do you have a plan? Do you have a list of content resources to generate for your clients that will walk them through their buyer journey until they become your customer, and then beyond?

Do you have a plan for getting that content to your target customers? If not, you’re not alone. You’re in luck. Because you have a blank page and the potential is palpable. Let’s talk about these customers, get to know who they are and where they spend their time. Then we can create high quality content around topics relevant to their daily life and deliver it to them in their preferred media.