Content Marketing Services

Professional services to attract, convince and convert your target customers

McKeating Solutions offers professional content marketing services from fully managed strategies to simple content creation, based on your needs.

Content Marketing Strategy Services:

Strategy Session:

A series of three, one hour meetings, over the course of which we’ll take stock of your current content, analyze your competitors, and identify opportunities based on your unique brand and offerings.

Strategy Implementation:

Define your target audience and the content topics you need to provide meaningful content on a consistent basis. Includes keyword research and analysis, and a posting calendar.


Together, we’ll work to refresh your brand positioning statement, mission statement and establishing your differentiation from the rest of the market. In addition, we’ll identify areas where this information needs updated.

Content Creation:

Based on the hard work in the previous steps, we’ll create a content calendar filled with blog/article topics. Then over the course of the calendar, McKeating Solutions will draft and publish high quality content.

Schedule your free consultation and get a quote today

Purchase one-off, content pieces or a content payment plan.

You might already have a content marketing strategy in place. You might already know what content your customers love and crave. If so, then we can skip the strategy and get straight to our favorite part: Creating awesome content that converts.


Professional articles can be published in print publications, on your site or shared to create a link building strategy and drive traffic to back to your website.

High powered content like these is a great way to offer your customers the information that they need to evaluate your company, your products/services and make the decision to convert.

Press Releases:

If running your business is a full time job, then trying to get press for the incredible things that you do is another.

Task someone who has written press releases, articles based on press releases and interfaced with news publications for years. Together we can create a solid link building strategy to bolster your ranking with Google.

Blog posts:

When you need a painter or a mechanic you hire a professional, when it comes to managing your blog, it’s no different.

Every blog post is a potential micro-conversion for your target customers. Think of it like a conversation, where you offer information – that educates, that entertains, that supports or engages them.

Website Content:

Lean on someone who has over 10 years of experience creating customized content for websites.

 Depending on your current website framework and needs, I am also able to physically upload and manage the content for your website, work with an agency to management the website, or a combination.