How Content Marketing Helps you Bootstrap Your Business

When working to get your business, your brand in front of your customers, Content Marketing can make a positive impact.

Your customers are searching for businesses like yours every day, but if you haven’t designed and started executing a content marketing strategy, they aren’t able to find you. Think about, Google searches happen every second of every day.

Search used to be relegated to computers, but now with smart phones, and smart home devices, the number of searches per day is sky rocketing. Content Marketing can play a huge role in helping your customers find you, which is key to successfully bootstrapping your business.

Bootstrapping means going it alone, ie generating revenue rather than taking investment capital. Many of us small business owners are working hard daily to make a go of it either on our own, focusing on generating sales rather than making investment deals. And that’s extremely exciting. But it can also be difficult.

It means that you both have a lot to focus on, and a lot riding on you. Content marketing can seem like one more thing, maybe even the thing that stretches you too thin.

This is where McKeating Solutions comes in. Rather than investing time you don’t have to learn a new skillset, let a professional work alongside you, taking the work you’ve already done and do on a daily basis, and create new methods for connecting with your customers.

You provide meaningful products and services for your customers. Task a content marketer to generate and distribute the professional content, the answers to their searches.

What is Content Marketing and how can it help you bootstrap your business?

Content marketing is a strategy, which creates and distributes content, ie the answers and information for which your customers are searching. It is a strategy for connecting with your customers, drawing them into your website and blog, your social media channels, creating touch points which move a lead through their buyers journey, converting them into a customer.

Together, we’ll take the time to get to know your brand, your products and your ideal customers. We’ll establish the words and phrases your customers are using when talking about your industry, your products and services, and the pain points they solve.

Then, we’ll create a content strategy, a calendar of topics and posts. Most importantly, we’ll execute that content, writing professional articles, blog posts, etc. and sharing them across your social media channels, email lists and more. Essentially, we’ll help you connect with leads and convert sales so you can successfully generate revenue – bootstrapping your business.

Why Choose McKeating Solutions to help bootstrap your business?

Small Business Knows Small Businesses

As a startup, I know what it’s like to be where you are right now. Both as a startup and working for other startups, I’ve been in your shoes. Working with limited resources or having minimal hours left in your day, and making the decision to invest in a service that has the potential to help you take that next step.

Years of Experience

With over 8 years of content marketing experience, I’ve worked with companies both large and small on their content marketing strategies. I’ve served in various roles including writing, social media management, and project management for the successful planning and implementation of countless content marketing strategies.